Dentures are dental appliances that replace missing teeth with artificial teeth attached to a gum-like denture base.
Removable dentures & Fixed Dentures
Removable dentures are of two types depending upon number of teeth.
Complete Dentures
When all natural teeth are missing, plates that replace an entire arch of the teeth are called complete dentures.

Partial Dentures
When only some of the natural teeth in an arch are replaced, plates that fit around these natural teeth with the help of clasps or bars are called RPD(Removable Partial Denture).
The removable dentures are acrylic dentures, flexi-denture and cast partial dentures.

Fixed dentures include
- Crown and bridge
- Partial dentures
- Implant
Fixed Partial dentures
A procedure where denture is bonded or cemented to the adjacent natural teeth in space where teeth are lost and cannot be removed with the help of a dentist.